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US Marines Ride the longest Train in Military HistoryFrom East Coast to West Coast with several stops at major cities to pick up more troops bound for Camp Pendleton, CA. Start with the conductor and count Marine Heads in door and windows.  The fourth lone head is Bill Morgan age 16.  ( This photo was taken in Salt Lake City, UT Sept 7, 1950, while Loading more troops ) The story of the Salt Lake City loading was in the Legion Magazine, 50th anniversary of Korean War.

Photo below is Pvt Jack Morgan age 19, Cpl Bill Morgan on the right at age 17, home on leave in August 1951. At this time, Jack was stationed with the US Army at Fort Knox, KY.  Bill was stationed with the US Marines at Camp Pendleton, CA.


Sgt Bill Morgan 1951

Christmas, 1951 Sgt Bill Morgan is enjoying an invite to the home of Dr. & Mrs J V Bernadini in San Diego, CA.  As soon as the photo was taken a small earthquake hit San Diego. Yes, he enjoyed that too. No one was hurt!

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